Friday, February 18, 2011



Causative, using verb ‘have and get ‘which have meaning “ menyuruh “, there are two kind of causatives, those are Active And Passive Causative.
The aim of causative is asking someone to do something for subject.
These following patterns are active causatives. :
A. 1). S + Have/ Has + Object ( Agent / Pelaku ) + Verb 1 + Object / Pelengkap
Examples : I ask my students to write a note
It can be as : I have my students write a note.
Those sentences above can be same as : My students write a note for me

2) S + Get/ Gets + Object ( Agent / Pelaku ) + To Verb 1 + Object/Pelengkap
Examples : Father asked the driver to wash his car yesterday. It Can be as : Father got the driver to wash his car yesterday.
Those sentences above can be same as :
The driver washed father’s car for him yesterday.
Note : The difference between causative active, using have and get, is in using have the verb followed without to, but in using get the verb followed with to, look at the patterns above
The next pattern is Passive Causative
B. S + Have / Get + Object Pelengkap + Verb 3 by Object / agent
Examples : Father had the car washed by the driver yesterday.
Father got the car washed by the driver yesterday.
I have a note written by my students
Other examples : I will ask my students to translate the reading text to Indonesian. In active causative, it can be as :
I will have my students translate the reading text to Indonesian.
I will get my students to translate the reading text to Indonesian.
In passive causative, it can be as :
I will have the reading text translated to Indonesian by my students
I will get the reading text translated to Indonesian by my students
Other sentence which has similar meaning to the sentences above is
My students will translate the reading text to Indonesian for me.
Adalah kalimat harapan dengan menggunakan kata kerja wish, if only ( kalau saja ), would rather, as if / as though ( seakan-akan / seolah-olah ), dimana harapan tersebut tidak terpenuhi / tidak sesuai dengan fakta / kenyataannya.
Berikut ini adalah Pattern ( Pola Kalimat Subjunctive )
1. S + wish/es + that + S + Past Tense ( Verb 2 ) + Keterangan Waktu Sekarang.
Contoh : - I wish that I knew your problem now.
It means that in the fact, I don’t know your problem now.
- My mother wishes that my younger sister didn’t open the
letter now.
In fact, my younger sister opens it, so that it makes my
mother angry with her.
2. S + wish/es + that + S + were + adjectives/ noun ( kata benda )/profession.+ ket waktu sekarang.
Contoh : I wish that ( ) I weren’t a teacher now.
In fact, I am a teacher now.
I wish I were a doctor now
In fact, I am not a doctor
A note : Subjunctive yang di ikuti dengan tenses past tense menunjukkan harapan tersebut tidak terpenuhi/ tak sesuai dengan kenyataan di waktu sekarang.
Contoh lain :
Everybody knows that Pa Randu is not rich man, but he likes to act as if he were rich man, and he likes to talk as though he knew everything, but actually everyone knows that he doesn’t know anything.

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